All The Risk, Not Much Reward
If you have been nominated to serve as Executor of an Estate in Conroe or anywhere in Montgomery County then I hope you were a boy scout or a girl scout because the best advice I can give you is BE PREPARED.
As Executor you have many important legal obligations to fulfill. Some of the most common duties include:
- Collecting all of the assets that belong to the Estate;
- Properly Inventorying the Estate;
- Properly paying and settling all of the Estate's debts;
- Giving proper notice and citation to everyone;
- Distributing the property to the beneficiaries.
As you can see, those are some serious responsibilities. If you do everything right, you may get a small fee and a slap on the back for doing a good job. If you do anything wrong, then you could end up being sued by the beneficiaries, creditors, or both. So, do everything right and save yourself a lot of hassles.
I can walk you through the entire process of fulfilling your legal obligations and deal with all the court stuff so you don't have to.